Throughout our history – any country’s history – the people who save their money and invest for their future are the ones that you build an economy, a society, and a nation on.Jim Rogers on Punishing the Prudent in favor of Rescuing the Irresponsible.
In America, many people saved their money, put it aside, and didn’t buy four or five houses with no job and no money down. They did what most people would consider the right thing, and what historically has been the right thing. But now, unfortunately, those people are being wiped out, because they are getting 0% return, or virtually no return, on their savings and their investments. We’re wiping them out at the expense of people who went deeply into debt, people who did what most people would consider the wrong thing at the expense of people who did the right thing. This, long-term, has terrible consequences for any nation, any society, any economy.
Day of Cleansing
I wrote about the day of cleansing as part of my article about the
offerings in Leviticus, but it became too large, so I have pulled it out
into a separa...
5 weeks ago